
Born 3rd Oct 2006

Hip score 3.5= 8

Elbows 0.0

Eye test clear 2010

Leonberger Club of GB Temperament Test

Litters sired: 1 produced 12 pups 10 survived

Pedigree Link

Frazzel's first litter

Frazzel age 4 years


Fieldshouse Class Act At Starlake

The last of my original line

She has suspected late onset LPPN

She enjoys agility

She loves water work

Her favourite pastime is barking at the postman, paper boy and the cat!


Starlake Dax


12 years

What a gent. He loved showing, gaining several Best of Breeds , all before C.Cs. At one Champ show my three year old son handled him in open dog getting a 3rd. Later in life due to an infection his tail was docked. He looked ok without a tail. He also had a double total ear canal ablation, which meant he was deaf. This did not seem to bother him. On passing he had a muscle biopsy which came back as confirmed.

His Blood test for LPN1 was clear
He was always a star to me.

Starlake Beta



Nearly 10

She had bone cancer

We were not going to keep her, but we did. She was a Taz,
And as we know taz hates Bath....well water she did not like swimming. Not a show dog even though she moved like a dream... which was good because her hip score was 36. Her and Dax can also be seen in Madeline’s book.

She was the first born of my first litter.


Pilgrimstar Pearly Queen

June 1993 – 2005

12 and a half years

Our second Leo also From Jill Gordon. She was a Fantastic Water Dog. She went on a Newfoundland weekend when the French TN group came over. She like to show the Newfies what to do, She knew commands in English and French.
She also loved to do agility.

She can be seen in Madeline book also.


Pilgrimstar Bathsheeba of Starlake

Feb 1992 -2002

Our first Leo from Jill Gordon. She was the mother of our first litter. She love to be with me. She also love to do Waterwork, Agility, Carting, and Pat dog. If you have Angela White or Madeline Lusby books on Leos she is in them both.

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